If you've received a voucher code from us it's very easy to apply by logging in to your account and heading to "Orders".
Select the order you want to apply the voucher to, scroll down to "Manage order" and click on "Apply voucher".
Simply enter the voucher code and click on "Apply" to receive the discount!
Alternatively, if you are using our app, go to "Upcoming" to view your future orders and click on the desired week you'd like to apply your coupon. Once here, click on the "Manage" then "Add promo code" buttons. Enter the voucher code and press "Save".
Please note that our voucher codes are case-sensitive, and if you are copying and pasting the code be careful to make sure there is no extra space at the end.
The value of the promotion will be deducted automatically from your total order charge and you can see the details of this by selecting "See price breakdown".